Rosa, I find it hard to distinguish between rowing , canoeing, and kayaking.
罗莎, 我很难把赛艇运动 、 皮艇运动以及划艇运动区分开来.
——期刊摘选The local officials were proud to host rowing, canoeing and kayaking.
当地官员对主办划船 、 皮划艇、激流回旋等赛事而颇感自豪.
——期刊摘选Ditto for combining kayaking and sport fishing.
——期刊摘选Everyone wears a life jacket while kayaking.
期刊摘选Whitewater kayakingWhitewater kayaking is the sport of paddling a small boat down a fast - moving river.
互联网Whitewater kayaking also has a sizable following in Europe, where the sport first took off.
在这项运动的发源地——欧洲, 皮艇漂流也有大批拥趸.
互联网Floating, drifting and speeding down rivers is all part of kayaking.
漂浮 、 漂移和急速冲下河流都是划独木舟的一部分.
互联网Let's go kayaking later.
互联网That place is an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy boating, kayaking, hiking and fishing.
对户外运动爱好者来说,这里是划船, 皮划艇, 徒步和钓鱼的理想去处.
互联网Creeking is high - adrenaline form of kayaking, in which you take on very technical and challenging rapids.
急流回旋是一种高刺激性的漂流形式, 而你对付的就是对技巧性有很高要求、极具挑战性的急流.
互联网The kayaking is challenging, somewhat scary.
乘爱斯基摩划子富有挑战性, 有点令人害怕.
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