
  • 释义
  • 黄麻纤维;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Consists of baled new corrugated cuttings having liners of either test liner, jute or kraft.


  • 2、

    The agreement provides for the delivery of the following raw materials: cotton, wool , jute, and others.

    和谈规定供给下面所开列原料: 棉花 、 羊毛 、 黄麻等等.

  • 3、

    Industry: cotton textiles, jute, garments, tea processing.

    工业: 棉纺, 黄麻, 服装, 茶叶加工.

  • 4、

    Coarser jute fibres are made into twines , rough cordage , and door mats.


  • 5、

    A wide variety of products, rice, peanuts, sugar cane, jute is a traditional staple products.

    农产品品种繁多, 水稻 、 花生 、 甘蔗 、 黄麻是传统大宗产品.

  • 6、

    Therefore , the degumming methods, development and status of jute and jute are studied in the paper.

    文章介绍了黄、红麻纤维脱胶的方法, 麻纤维脱胶的发展现状.

  • 7、

    The partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies.


  • 8、

    The preventing bag can use wire or jute line to connect.


  • 9、

    Teak, rice, cotton, maize, jute, and other agricultural and forestry products distribution center.

    柚木 、 大米 、 棉花 、 玉米 、 黄麻等农林产品的集散地.

  • 10、

    Health standard for flax, jute and ramie dusts in the air of workplace.

    车间空气中麻尘(亚麻 、 黄麻和苎麻)卫生标准.

  • 11、

    Jute wine bags series is another main product.


  • 12、

    That is a jute mills of Pakistan.


  • 13、

    The goods we packed in new and sound jute bags, each containing about 200 pounds.

    货物是用坚固的新麻袋包装的, 每袋约重200磅.

  • 14、

    Jute goods, Handmade Jute Products , Jute Yarn , Jute Twine Hessian Cloth , Jute Cloth, Jute bags. etc.

    黄麻手工艺品, 黄麻布, 黄麻编织袋,黄麻线, 黄麻绳, 打包麻布.

  • 15、

    Agriculture: rice, jute, tea, wheat; beef.

    农业: 水稻, 黄麻, 茶, 小麦, 牛肉.

  • 16、

    As one of natural fibers, jute is grabbing more attention for its unique advantages.

    黄麻作为天然纤维的一种, 其优势也正日益引起关注.

  • 17、

    The refining technics of jute fiber was discussed using sulfate cooking for reference.


  • 18、

    Its main ingredient is linseed oil, wood flour, rosin, limestone powder, natural mineral pigments and jute.

    它的主要成份为亚麻籽油 、 木粉 、 松香 、 石灰石粉 、 天然矿物颜料和黄麻.

  • 19、

    Sack: A large bag usually made of jute.

    麻袋: 一般是由黄麻的纤维做成的大袋子.

  • 20、

    Britain's textile industry has declined markedly especially in the cotton, jute and linen production.

    英国纺织业德显著衰退尤其表现在棉布 、 黄麻和亚麻布的生产上.

  • 21、

    If refitted, also can be used to strip fiber of kenaf and jute.

    该机械经一定改装, 也可用于黄麻和红麻纤维的剥制.

  • 22、

    They are sewn with woollen stands or jute, and are available in plain and arrangements.


  • 23、

    The surface is wool and the back is jute.


  • 24、

    The characters of jute fibers, and its industrial development in recent years were presented paper.


  • 25、

    A coarse , heavy fabric made of jute or hemp, used especially for bags or sacks.

    有光纤的或似光纤的, 特别是光纤用于制造绳索的(例如黄麻).

  • 26、

    The temperature resistance of jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composite increase with increasing fiber content.


  • 27、

    The paper introduced the properties and elaborated the development prospect of jute fiber.


  • 28、

    Products of main interest are raw jute, hessian cloth and jute carpet backing.

    主要行业的产品是原麻, 麻布,地毯的麻衬垫物.

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