To entrust financial institutions, trade associations , or juristic persons with the administration of quota.
二委讬金融机构 、 同业公会或法人管理.
互联网The existence of trennungsprinzip owes to the independence of juristic act of right in rem.
互联网Article 57 A civil juristic act shall be legally binding once it is instituted.
互联网Citizens and legal persons may perform civil juristic acts through agents.
口语例句Article 56 A civil juristic act may be in written, oral or other form.
第五十六条民事法律行为可以采取书面形式 、 口头形式或者其他形式.
互联网Corporations , in the context of litigation, are sometimes referred to as artificial or juristic persons.
在诉讼过程中, 法人有时会被认为是人工的人或者是法律规定的人.
互联网On the Independent Principle & Abstract Principle of Juristic Act of Real Right.
浅谈物权行为的区分原则 及 无因性原则.
互联网Article 2 A labor union shall be a juristic person.
互联网An agent shall perform Juristic Acts in the principal's name the scopethe power of agency.
互联网Some authorities think the agreement ofright is the declaration of of juristic act ofright.
互联网Article 65 A civil juristic act may be entrusted to an agent in writing or orally.
互联网A foundation established as a juristic person having total registered assets of NT $ 10 millions or more.
互联网The establishment and validity of civil juristic act are two different concepts.
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