
  • 释义
  • 质量低劣的,无价值的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    It mainly imports renewable resources industry scrap copper, aluminum, stainless steel, junky electrical machine.

    公司进口产品以再生资源行业的废杂铜 、 铝 、 不锈钢 、 废旧电机为主.

  • 2、

    They make quite a score off that junky.


  • 3、

    Mr. Jones has junky veins, and he really needs antibiotics.

    琼斯先生有吸毒的迹象, 但他真的需要些抗生素.

  • 4、

    Now I'm not talking about the junky chocolate bars you find in the candy counter.


  • 5、

    What's the bartender's ring doing next to the dead junky?


  • 6、

    Instead of being junky molecular relics, introns could have progressively acquired genetic functions mediated by RNA.

    插入子非但不是毫无用途的分子遗骸, 反而可能以rna为中介,逐步得到遗传上的功能.
