Mr Black went for the jugular, asking intimate sexual questions.
柯林斯例句Results The internal jugular vein ( IJV ) and the common carotid artery ( CCA ) join tightly to each other.
结果颈总动脉与 颈内 静脉紧密相连.
互联网Cardiac tamponade is suggested by jugular venous distention, muffled heart sounds, and a paradoxical pulse.
颈静脉怒张 、 心音低沉 、 及奇脉提示心包填塞.
互联网Neck: Jugular venous distention ( JVD ) thyromegaly masses lymphadenopathy.
颈部: 颈静脉扩张,甲状腺肿,肿块,淋巴结病.
互联网Metastatic carcinoma to the jugular foramen.
互联网Objective To introduce the treatment and clinical result of reconstructing femoral artery with jugular vein graft.
互联网Methods: Anatomic region of sternal jugular notch ( SJN ) were observed and analyzed on 30 adult cadavers.
方法: 在30具尸体标本上,观察胸骨颈静脉切迹 ( SJN ) 平面重要结构解剖及毗邻关系.
期刊摘选Objective To investigate cause and nursing strategy of mistakable inserting internal jugular vein in subclavian venepuncture.
期刊摘选Objective : To obtain more detailed microsurgical anatomic data about jugular bulb for translabyrithine approach surgery.
目的: 为迷路进路涉及到颈静脉球提供显微外科解剖学的数据资料.
期刊摘选Methods Data of catheterization of internal jugular vein in 270 surgical patients were analyzed retrospectively.
期刊摘选The jugular venous pressure was less than 4 cm, with occasional cannon A waves.
颈静脉压小于4cm, 偶尔可见巨大的颈静脉波群中的a波.
期刊摘选First, the blood supply from that skin drains into the internal jugular vein.
首先, 血液从那部分的皮肤导入颈内静脉提供供给.
期刊摘选Objective To explore the correlation between processus mastoideus and petrous apex pneumatization and high jugular bulb.
期刊摘选Bilateral internal jugular vein stenting is also a rare procedure.
期刊摘选To improve the recognition of jugular phlebectasia in children.
期刊摘选He always goes for the jugular.
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