抖动,[电子] 跳动;战战兢兢;神经过敏;
The phase jitter of output signal of the PLL ( phase locked loop ) frequency doubler is analyzed.
定量分析了数字式锁相 倍频器 输出信号的相位抖动.
互联网Emerging - market bonds and shares, for instance, may jitter further.
例如, 新兴市场债券和股票可能更加震荡.
互联网Jitter severe operating table, the doctor performed the command Ying calm: " to continue the operation. "
剧烈抖动的手术台上, 主刀医生张瑛镇定指挥: “ 继续手术. ”
互联网Through this approach end - to end delay with small jitter and correct packet ordering can be enforced.
互联网Automatic jitter compensation fuzzy identification system. Quick two - dot type eccentric compensation.
自动跳动补偿模糊识别系统, 快速二点式偏心补偿.
互联网The third is the compensation of time base jitter.
互联网The effect of EMI has been reduced through frequency jitter.
互联网The pictures on the wall jitter whenever a truck drives by.
互联网Under Shape Dynamics, adjust the size Jitter to 100 %.
互联网There exist a lot of different Jitter test signals.
互联网Additionally, delay - locked loops usually offer better jitter performance than phase - locked loops.
同时, 延迟锁定回路较锁相回路提供更好的抖动效能.
互联网I use the software in the design approach to the elimination of jitter.
互联网Delay is the foundation for accurately measuring network performance metrics such as delay jitter, bandwidth, etc.
时延是准确测量时延抖动 、 宽等网络性能指标的基础.
互联网The jitter of the main switch is less than 1 . 5 ns ( RMS ).
Blumlein主开关工作电压大于 280kV,抖动小于1.5ns ( 均方根值 ).
互联网First, the jitter control algorithm aims at smoothing the jitter variance with low queueing delay latency.
首先, 延迟变异控制机制目标在低延迟代价条件下,减缓延迟变异.
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