The paper introduces the method of accessing MySQL database using JDBC interface.
互联网Nowadays, Web - database Link Technology mainly includes: CGI, ISAPI, IDC, JDBC, and ASP etc.
目前Web数据库连接技术主要有: 通用网关接口CGI 、 Internet服务器 编程接口ISAPI 、 Internet数据库连接器IDC 、 Java数据库 连接JDBC和动态服务器网页ASP等.
互联网Microsoft SQLServer JDBC Driver Error establishing socket.
互联网Consider the SQL statement below and comment the size of result set in JDBC.
互联网In the Java language, JDBC is the bridge between application programs and the database.
在Java语言中, JDBC是应用程序与数据库沟通的桥梁.
互联网You can add required library files here for JDBC drivers etc.
互联网Don't assume that the names you use for one JDBC driver are the same as others.
不要将你用在某个JDBC驱动 程式上的名称,和用在其它JDBC驱动程式的设定一样.
互联网JDBCRealm - Your user and role information is stored in a database accessed via JDBC.
JDBC域 - 你的用户名存储在数据库中,该数据库通过JDBC访问.
互联网Some applications of JAVA technology for enterprise information system, including JSP 、 Servlet 、 JDBC etc. are introduced.
结合JAVA在 企业信息化建设中的应用, 介绍了JSP、Servlet、JDBC、JavaBean等JAVA技术 的概念和区别,以及目前信息化建设中较流行的应用开发模式.
互联网If you are using database systems other than SQL Server , please check JDBC driver documention.
我借光问一下,就上面那个画面,如果我不是去数据库查询,提交后要计算出两个日期差距多少天, 大家都用什么办法.
互联网No further JDBC access is allowed within this transaction.
好象是不允许在这个事务中再调用JDBC访问? 为啥呢?
互联网The JDBC documentation shows a plethora of parameters for your perusal.
互联网A number of database vendors and third parties offer JDBC drivers.
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