Noise jammer is one of the primary jamming that radar seekers have to antagonize.
互联网IR active jamming technology includes IR decoy , IR jammer, DIRCM laser blinding, etc.
红外有源干扰技术包括红外干扰弹 、 外干扰机、向红外对抗和激光致盲等.
——期刊摘选IR active jam technology includes IR decoy, IR jammer, DIRCM laser blinding, etc.
红外有源干扰技术包括红外干扰弹 、 红外干扰机 、 定向红外对抗和激光致盲等.
——期刊摘选Methods of wide band multipath jammer tracking with passive radar seeker are presented.
互联网A method for realizing isolation between and transmitter of a jammer in modulation field is introduced.
互联网Weapon Jammer - Instead of firing on the air units, any unit targeted by this will stop firing.
武器干扰 —— 代替向空军开火, 任何被它瞄准的单位将会停止开火.
互联网The technology of one - machine - against - multi - mechanisms multifunctional jammers is proposed to jam different mechanisms with one single jammer.
互联网The electronic jammer was fully operational.
互联网AWACS Thunderhead Concentrate on shooting down the enemy jammer aircraft. The transport can wait.
集中攻击敌人电子干扰机. 运输就能拖延.
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