用斜体字排字,在字下划横线( italicize的过去式和过去分词 );
Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words.
互联网Titles of full texts should be underlined or italicized. Articles or short stories require quotation marks.
互联网Trademarks and service marks owned by or licensed to us are presented as italicized typefaces.
互联网Usually, both words are underlined or italicized.
通常情况下, 这两个词都强调或斜体.
互联网But if the surrounding text is italicized, the scientific name is not, as Figure 4 shows.
但是,如果周围的文字是斜体, 科学名称,而不是图4显示.
互联网To show the result of the underlined expression, click Evaluate . The most recent result appears italicized.
如要显示带下划线的表达式的结果, 请单击“求值”. 最新结果将以斜体显示.
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