With immediate effect, our website has been enhanced with more features and functions issuers and investors.
由即日起, 本网站经巳提升并提供更多功能予发行人及投资者使用.
互联网The issuers hae admitted liability but the amount of damages has not yet been agreed.
互联网That is good for the issuers, but the cost must be very high, I suppose.
这样做对发行人很有利, 但我想发行费会很高吧?
互联网The main issuers of direct paper are large finance companies and bank holding companies.
互联网GEM issuers set up two sets of quantitative performance indicators.
互联网Many of the bonds come with minimum holding periods, and issuers right to limit redemptions.
互联网Rates fell this week, and high - quality issuers were able to raise finance in municipal - bond markets.
本周,利率有所下跌, 优质的债券发行商在市政债券市场的融资也有所增加.
互联网Most of the stocks issuers are old - brand enterprises.
大多数股票发行者为 老字号 的大企业.
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