Corporate Accounting Governance and Corporate Governance: Isomorphic, Imbedding, or Intersected?
公司会计治理与公司治理: 同构 、 嵌入还是交叉?
互联网We may thereby compute the number of graphs which are isomorphic to their complements.
辞典例句Determining whether two graphs are isomorphic is referred to as the graph isomorphism problem.
互联网If an isomorphism exists between two graphs, then the graphs are called isomorphic.
如果两国之间存在着同构图形, 然后图表被称为同构.
互联网Themodel is composed of password, random number and isomorphic puzzle.
该模式由口令 、 随机数和同构难题构成.
互联网As we have argued elsewhere, this is isomorphic to the multiple - reader, multiple - case design in medical imaging.
因为我们已经争论其他地方, 这是同形的对多样者 - 读者, 多样的 - 情形设计在医生描绘.
互联网A dual isomorphic Bayesian network model for medium voltage distribution system reliability re - assessment is also proposed.
互联网The isomorphic conditions of some lattices generated sets of subspace under finite pseudo - symplectic groups are discussed.
互联网This paper introduces two types of benzenoid isomers with six isomorphic moieties.
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