Objective To establish a method for measuring glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB ( GPBB ).
目的建立elisa法测定 糖原 磷酸化酶同工酶BB的方法.
互联网PK activity was increased in CML, while the PK isoenzyme pattern was normal.
慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)的PK活性增高, 而PK同工酶型均正常.
互联网Isoenzyme ( isozyme ) An enzyme that occurs in different structural forms within a single species.
同功 酶:是某一物种中具有不同的结构类型的一类酶.
互联网The isoenzyme pattern of the RC cells is quite different from the rat muscle cells.
互联网POD isoenzyme of Cabbage are analyzed by using PAGE.
互联网Isoenzyme verification of American - Chinese hybrids of Liquidambar and Liriodendron.
互联网Analysis of isoenzyme patterns of peroxidase were made on 43 Japanese Apricot cultivars.
互联网However, biricodar and valspodar are both substrates for the P 450 isoenzyme 3 A 4.
然而, 比立考达和伐司朴达都是P450同工酶3A4的底物.
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