IP address ;
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can set static IP Address to Clients.
或者, 如果您愿意, 也可以设置静态IP地址给客户.
——期刊摘选As a result of this centralized assignment, IP addresses are globally unique.
这个集中分配的结果, IP地址在全球是唯一的.
互联网The included DHCP server provides unlimited automatic or static IP address assignment.
互联网The ISP's gateway uses the IP address to determine the final location.
ISP的 网关使用这一帧数据的IP地址来确定最终目的地.
互联网Decription: Offers means to block Multiple IP addresses with an single rule.
描述: 提供以一条规则方式拦截多个IP地址.
互联网Every connection that you make to the network is stamped with your IP address.
柯林斯例句IP Address Labels - Label your visitors based on their IP Address.
IP地址标签 - 标签,你的访客根据自己的IP地址.
互联网If the IP address is assigned statically, a gateway must be present.
如果IP地址是静态分配的, 则网关一定会显示.
互联网Send, receive, to choose the server port and IP address.
发送, 接收, 选择服务器端口,IP地址.
互联网Web hosting customers have their own domain name and IP address.
互联网In the Account Summary section, the Server IP Address will be listed.
帐户中的摘要部分, 该服务器的IP地址将被列入.
互联网So the IP address is the IP address of the machine?
那么这个IP地址是哪台机器的IP地址 呢 ?
互联网When you do not use summarization to assign IP addresses, problems occur.
互联网On the other hand, you can use multiple IP addresses to login.
不过, 用户仍可使用多个IP地址登入.
互联网You will find the current IP address of the machine there.
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