Java + SQL medicine Invoicing Management System, enabling simple operation.
SQL医药进销存管理系统, 可实现简单的操作.
互联网Under - and non - invoicing to avoid value - added tax ( VAT ) are common.
通过发票不足或不开发票来逃避 增值税 的现象层出不穷.
互联网Invoicing statements for the development of commodity management system as a graduation project.
互联网We're also responsible for invoicing customers, and for credit control.
我们也负责给顾客开发票, 和信贷控制.
实用商务英语会话Have you an approximate invoicing price in mind ?
你腹案中有个约略的发票价格 吗 ?
互联网Subcontractor: Third enterprise under contract with the operator invoicing finished or semi - finished products .
/分包商: 与操作者有合同关系的第三方公司,采购其成品或 半成品.
互联网AnyMaxi is line count program, character count program, word count program, and invoicing program.
anymaxi是线计数程序, 性格计数程序时, Word计数程序, 和发票程序.
互联网If you are billed via invoicing: Provide the exact amount and date of your last invoice.
如果您通过发票结算: 请提供上张发票的准确金额和日期.
互联网This system is designed specifically for Invoicing management problems developed, mainly using NET platform.
此系统是专为进销存管理麻烦而专门开发的, 主要采用.
互联网Weight for invoicing purposes shall be established by the actual net weight.
互联网Can you easily switch to the 15 % rate when charging or invoicing?
当碰见收费或者结账的时候,您能轻松地切换到15%的税率上 么 ?
互联网Invoicing and closing the sales orders in ERP system after delivery.
互联网Penske also helped PCNA in performing activities such as making payments, invoicing and reporting.
Penske也在执行力方面帮助PCNA,比如付款, 发票和报告.
互联网All your postal, invoicing and payment data will be ignored.
您所提交, 告知以及付款的一切数据都将被忽略.
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