Sorrow makes us go slower and more considerately, and introspect our motives and dispositions.
忧愁使我们想得更周到,不致操之过急, 以及深深体察我们的动机和目标.
互联网On - the - spot investigation, network discussion exchanges, begin creations and compose a research paper and introspect.
实地考察 、 网络讨论交流 、 动手创作、撰写研究报告及反思.
互联网It is a time to slow down, introspect and avoid making changes in your strategy.
所以这时应该慢下你的节奏, 好好反省一下自己,尽量不要改变自己的策略.
互联网We can introspect the dictionary of attributes and modify, add or remove members.
从而能够内省属性字典和改动 、 增加或者删除成员.
互联网Education needs both theories and practice because these help to introspect and meditate on our achievement.
互联网They all can be evaluated by introspect, explain, try to teach, reflect after class.
无论以哪种形式呈现都要经过自我评价,其评价方式有:内省法 、 说课法 、 试教法 、 课后反思法等.
互联网Li Jikai began to introspect the real me.
互联网When I thought of these problems will introspect a design to bring us what.
互联网Firstly, it is very important for all of us to introspect into our own minds.
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