Czechoslovakia - Trees are decorated with intricately carved designs on egg shells.
互联网The puppets are intricately crafted and feature highly exaggerated expressions.
互联网Bundled up Sulawesi children sit in front of intricately designed dwellings.
互联网The movements are standardized and intricately woven together to form an organically integrated overall arrangement.
互联网The interests of Hong Kong and the Mainland are intricately linked and intertwined.
互联网The interests of Hong Kong and the Motherland are intricately linked and intertwined.
互联网Very slowly, Dagen closed the texts, placing his trembling hands upon the intricately worked leather cover.
慢慢地, 达恩合上了书, 把他颤抖的双手放在粗糙的皮纸封面上.
互联网With reliability, manufacturability and yield all intricately tied to quality, what's the system designer to do?
产品可靠性, 生产能力和产量都与质量有千丝万缕的关系, 系统设计人员到底要做些什么 呢 ?
互联网The door is intricately carved.
辞典例句You are intricately designed by God's will for a unique purpose, so you are priceless.
神创造你,是出于精心设计,有他独特的心意和目的, 你是无价之宝.
互联网Intricately carved latticed windows in the courtyard of a Heshun family home.
互联网The performances of parts are influenced intricately by residual stresses on grinding surface.
互联网Each Viennese porcelain plaque is intricately painted and of very high quality.
互联网Bursting with intricately well - researched details, it's often hard to remember that Jin is writing fiction.
突如其来的细节杂乱无章却又无比真实, 你常常会忘记哈金是在写小说.
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