Hello, the hospital on the proposal is checked, suit the remedy to the case, interrogatory doctor!
你好, 建议上医院检查, 对症下药, 讯问医生!
期刊摘选Check the box next to each interrogatory that you want the answering party to answer.
期刊摘选The interrogatory seemed to strike the honest magistrate all of a heap.
期刊摘选If you do not have enough personal knowledge to fully answer interrogatory, say so.
如果答问方凭个人认知不足以完整地回答书面询问, 应明确表示.
期刊摘选To reply such interrogatory , we must detailed research the connotation of legitimacy and administration's "
为回答这样的质问, 首先必须对法的正当性的内涵与标准进行详细的考察.
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