
  • 释义
  • 界面( interface的名词复数 );<计>接口(连接两装置的电路,可使数据从一种代码转换成另一种代码);交界;联系;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    User interfaces should be based on user mental models rather than implementation models.


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  • 2、

    When designing kiosk interfaces, carefully consider the use of sound.

    在设计信息亭界面时, 要小心考虑声音的使用.

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  • 3、

    When graphical user interfaces first emerged, it became clear that verb - object ordering created a problem.

    在图形界面首次出现时, 动词 — 对象次序带来的问题就清楚地显现出来了.

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  • 4、

    Strict adherence to metaphors ties interfaces unnecessarily to the workings of the physical world.


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  • 5、

    For this reason, many programmers present hierarchies ( the implementation model ) in user interfaces.

    基于这个原因, 很多程序员喜欢在界面中展现层次关系 ( 实现模型 ).

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  • 6、

    Only then will we be able to design appropriate interactions and interfaces.


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  • 7、

    We assume that components are interrelated at a number of interfaces or terminals.


  • 8、

    Back in the days of command lines and character - based menus, interfaces indirectly offered services to users.

    回到命令行和 基于 字符的菜单时代, 那时界面通常间接地为用户提供服务.

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  • 9、

    Interfaces , in this regard , should resemble sovereign posture applications , taking the full - screen real estate.

    基于这种情况, 这时的界面应该采用独占姿态, 完全占据屏幕空间.

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  • 10、

    For further discussion of the pitfalls surrounding reliance on metaphors in user interfaces, see Chapter 13.

    更多关于围绕着在用户面上依赖于类比的问题的讨论, 我们放在第13章中.

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  • 11、

    Avoid using all caps in your interfaces.


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  • 12、

    While windowing systems provide modularity and flexibility to user interfaces, they can be horribly abused.

    通过窗口这种方式,系统带给我们模块化且灵活的用户界面, 但窗口也可能被滥用.

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  • 13、

    These are commonly called verb - object and object - verb orders, respectively. Modern user interfaces use both orders.

    通常分别称之为动词 — 对象次序和对象 — 动词次序, 这两种次序在现代用户界面中都采用了.

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  • 14、

    However, in the world of consumer products and services, attractive user interfaces are typically appropriate.

    然而, 在消费产品和服务的世界中, 通常吸引人的用户界面是有意义的.

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  • 15、

    As you create your interfaces, you should constantly be looking to simplify visually.

    创作界面时, 你必须不断地在视觉方面将其简化.

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