Intercalated or exfoliated nanocomposites can be prepared by melt - intercalation and in - situ coordination polymerization.
互联网Eustatic lake level and source change had resulted in intercalation development in braided delta system.
互联网In this thesis, polyethylene was chose and its nanocomposites had been prepared successfully via melt intercalation.
本文选用聚乙烯作为基材, 成功的使用熔融插层法制备了聚乙烯/蒙脱土纳米复合材料.
互联网The kaolinite - potassium acetate intercalation complex was prepared and characterized by XRD, FT - IR, and TG - DSC .
用XRD 、 FT-IR和TG -DSC 等方法研究了高岭石 - 醋酸钾插层复合物的形成过程.
互联网Intercalation of massive, fine grained deposits suggests offshore transport of carbonate mud by suspension.
互联网The preparation, characterization and application of intercalation material are summarized in this paper.
评述了高岭石有机插层材料的制备方法 、 插层效果表征及应用的研究现状.
互联网Laminar blending and intercalation compounding were two new technologies to improve plastic barrier property.
互联网With increasing urea, the d 001 value ofthe montmorillonite - urea intercalation complex will increase gradually to some extent.
互联网Based on thermodynamics and kinetics analyse, some research achievements in theory a - bout melting intercalation are summarized.
结合热力学和动力学的分析, 概括了熔融插层法一些理论上的研究进展.
互联网The mechanism research and theoretical models of polymer melting intercalation are discussed in detail.
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