A defeasible interest is insurable, as also is a contingent interest.
可撤销的利益是保险利益, 偶然的利益亦然.
互联网The hotel is a firetrap and is not insurable.
互联网As a kind of property insurance, maritime insurance also contains the insurable interest.
海上保险作为财产保险的一种, 自然其中也离不开保险利益.
互联网Chapter 3 analyses the validity scope of the insurable interest.
互联网The assured has an insurable interest in the charges of any insurance which be may effect.
互联网The Doctrine of Insurable Interest the Doctrine is one of the fundamental principles theof marine insurance.
互联网But in the meantime, that's a list of your claimed insurable property.
但是在此期间, 这里有一张表上面登记有你们保险过的财产.
电影对白Nowadays, insurable interest has become a fundamental principle of the insurance law.
互联网How to determine the insurable interest is the issue to be resolved in this chapter.
互联网All risks , however , are not insurable . A risk must meet certain requirements to be insurable.
然而, 并非所有的风险都能投保,要投保的风险必须满足特定的要求.
互联网The individual policyholder must have an insurable interest.
互联网Generally, pure risks are insurable; speculative risks are not.
一般来说, 单纯的风险是可以投保的, 而投机的风险则不能.
互联网Recognition that natural catastrophe risks are insurable.
互联网What then is an insurable risk?
那么,什么是可投保的风险 呢 ?
互联网Be not the accident harm that all reasons cause is insurable risk.
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