Isolation strips should be cleared of all inflammable vegetation.
辞典例句Colorless transparent liquid, inflammable volatile organic solvent and most immiscible, with good solubility.
无色透明易燃易挥发的液体, 能与多数有机溶剂混溶, 具有良好的溶解性.
——期刊摘选It is strictly forbidden to use cardboard, cloth, and so do shade of inflammable substances.
严禁用纸皮 、 布料等易燃物品做灯罩.
——期刊摘选"Highly inflammable," it says on the spare canister.
——柯林斯例句Methane is inflammable explosion hazard gas as the basis of mash gas, firedamp and rock gas.
甲烷作为瓦斯、天然气 、 沼气等的主要成分,是易燃易爆气体.
互联网Fire retardant agents, plasticizer, paper fertilizer production ( except inflammable , explosive ), paper, building materials, chemical equipment sales.
阻燃剂 、 增塑剂 、 造纸助剂的生产经营 ( 易燃易爆除外 ), 纸张 、 建材 、 化工设备的销售.
——期刊摘选These gases are highly inflammable.
《简明英汉词典》The firemen succeeded in confining the outbreak to warehouse containing less inflammable materials.
期刊摘选Please do not install the instrument near alcohol, paint thinners or inflammable substances.
切勿将本机安装在酒精 、 油漆稀释剂或其他易燃物附近.
期刊摘选Most of them are inflammable, explosive and poisonous.
民用燃料的输送和储藏, 也涉及易燃易爆.
期刊摘选D . as the spark discharge will throw a flame, using inflammable extreme caution when.
由于火花充电会引发火焰, 所以搁置易燃溶剂时给不一不合谨慎.
期刊摘选Petrol is very inflammable.
期刊摘选The flame's temperature can reach 8000 ℃, which applies for all kinds of inflammable materials.
喷枪火焰最高温度达到8000℃, 可用于黑色金属,有色金属等各种不可燃材料的切割,焊接及表面处理.
期刊摘选In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises.
期刊摘选Articles for daily use containing inflammable substance may be carried in limited quantity.
期刊摘选Products are widely used in machinery. Chemicals. Inflammable and explosive mines and other places.
产品广泛应用于机械. 化工. 煤矿等易燃易爆的场所.
期刊摘选Combustion hazard: This material is non inflammable, poisonous, and stimulated.
燃爆危险: 本品不燃, 有毒, 具强刺激性.
期刊摘选Clothes shouldn't be made of inflammable material.
辞典例句The IMCO number of the inflammable and goods , if any shall also be indicated.
如货物系危险品或易燃品, 也应注明危现号.
期刊摘选Xiangsu deep processing products, chemical fertilizer ( excluding inflammable , explosive, hazardous chemicals ) production sales.
橡塑制品深加工 、 化工助剂 ( 不含易燃易爆 、 化学危险品 ) 生产销售.
期刊摘选Inflammable and explosive dangerous goods with independent packing shall be attached with a tag of goods.
期刊摘选For your safety and security, please don't carry inflammable, explosive, fragile or heavy articles on board.
各位乘客:为了您和他人的乘车安全, 请不要携带易燃 、 爆 、 碎和笨重物品乘车.
期刊摘选In the meanwhile, the characteristics of inflammable explosion of gas bring to public security issues.
期刊摘选Light oil pump house is mainly used to convey some volatile and inflammable oil products.
期刊摘选I am afraid I should burn a bit to see whether it is inflammable or not.
期刊摘选For external disposal, mark with waste ( inflammable ) and send to the licensed waste treatment company treatment.
委托外部处理时, 要注明是废弃物 ( 可燃性 ),并委托由许可证的废物处理公司处理.
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