害虫、野兽大批出没于( infest的名词复数 );遍布于;
害虫、野兽大批出没于( infest的第三人称单数 );遍布于;
European beetle; infests beehives.
欧洲甲虫; 在蜂窝中滋生.
互联网A parasitic louse ( Pediculus humanus corporis ) that infests the body and clothes of human beings.
一种寄生的昆虫 ( 体虱虱属 ),寄生在人的身体或衣服上.
互联网The Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North.
互联网God infests my mind with music.
互联网Crime infests that poor neighbourhood.
《简明英汉词典》I have defeated Ordrak, but his darkness still infests the Ember here.
我击败了奥卓克, 但是它的黑暗力量仍然寄宿在这里的灰烬水晶中.
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