influence 影响;infield 内场;infect 传染;infielder 内野手;
The 90 % confidential interval of AUC 0 - 24 , AUC 0 - inf and ρ max of tested formulation were 100.4 % ~109.5 % , 99.1 % ~108.4 % and 102.6 % ~110.8 %, respectively.
L-1.AUC0-24的90%可信区间为100.4%~109.5%, AUC0-inf的 90%可信区间为99.1%~108.4%,ρmax的90%可信区间为102.6%~110.8%.
互联网The macro in the device . INF file section contains an undefined macro.
互联网Jingjie essential oil has antiallergic and anti - inf lamatory effect , bronchus - expanding effect and pain relieve effect.
荆芥穗挥发油具有镇痛,抗炎,扩张支气管和 抗 过敏等作用.
互联网A response key name in the device . INF file is not in the expected format.
互联网In the application top - level folder, locate the group subdirectory which contains the bld. inf file.
在应用程序的最高级的文件夹里, 在group的子目录下包含着bld. inf的 文件.
互联网A response keyname in the device . INF file is not in the expected format.
互联网Aim : To observe efficacy of α - interferon ( INF - α ) combined wit thymosin on patients with chronic hepatitis B ( CHB ).
目的: 观察干扰素α ( INF - α ) 联合胸腺肽治疗慢性己型肝炎 ( ChronicHepatitis B,CHB ) 的疗效.
互联网To observe efficacy of α - interferon ( INF - α ) combined wit thymosin on patients with chronic hepatitis B ( CHB ).
目的:观察干扰素α ( INF - α ) 联合胸腺肽治疗慢性己型肝炎 ( ChronicHepatitisB,CHB ) 的疗效.
互联网RESULTS: Compared with healthy controls, the levels of INF - � � in OLP patients were significantly lower ( P < 0.05 )
结果: OLP患者外周血单个核细胞经PHA诱导培养,INF - γ的水平低于正常对照组 ( P<0.05 ).
互联网The device. INF file is missing a command.
该设备的 INF 文件丢失一条命令.
互联网He forgets his wallet inf the most inconvenient places.
互联网Superior oblique tuck and inf. oblique recession was applied.
互联网The macro in the device . INF file section contains undefined macro.
互联网The device. INF file contains no responses for the command.
该设备的 INF 文件包含对该命令不响应的内容.
互联网The device name in the device. INF or media. INI file is too long.
在device. inf或media. ini文件中的设备名称太长.
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