Well, my friend, fortune is inconstant, as the chaplain of the regiment said.
唉, 我的朋友, 命运是变化无常的, 这是那个——那个军队里的教士说的话.
——期刊摘选All these are the contents of the education of inconstant Dao.
互联网But so inconstant is human fate that congratulations and condolences often go hand in hand.
期刊摘选Youth, transient and inconstant, will bring me loneliness.
青年时期, 瞬变和无恒, 将带来我寂寞.
期刊摘选Spiking: Inconstant surges in power on an electrical power line causing interference with sensitive electronic equipment.
电流浪行: 在电线上的不稳定电力波浪,它干扰敏感的电子仪器.
期刊摘选There is no mainstream, one thing we can feel is dazzling and inconstant changes.
没有主流, 只感觉到令人眼花缭乱和不断地变化.
期刊摘选Confronted with the inconstant market competition, weaknesses in business management are exposed.
面对复杂多变的市场, 企业在竞争和管理方面的薄弱环节逐渐暴露出来.
期刊摘选Modern character is inconstant, divided, vacillating.
现代人的个性是无常的, 分裂的, 摇摆不定的.
辞典例句The characteristics of inconstant flow arisen by daily regulation of power station are summarized.
期刊摘选All the diverse sciences , technologies, and schools of theurgies are inconstant Dao that create integrated matters.
期刊摘选Two inconstant phenomena arise in the development of China: the state's politicalization and the society's economization.
期刊摘选Inconstant surges in power on an electrical power line causing interference with sensitive electronic equipment.
期刊摘选But now, the gap is shrinking, and China's aniline market has become complicated and inconstant.
但是现在, 这个差距正在缩小, 而且中国的苯胺市场已经成为复杂多变的.
期刊摘选No , lord And why is that? Sensual pleasures are inconstant, hollow, false, deceptive by nature.
世尊,不能.为什麽? 因为感官之乐本质上无常 、 空洞 、 虚假 、 有欺骗性.
期刊摘选Life is a dream a little less inconstant.
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