
  • 释义
  • 松散的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Crepuscular , the setting sun lies lackadaisically horizon, incompact give out gentle ray slow.

    黄昏, 夕阳懒洋洋的卧在天边, 不紧不慢地发出暖和的射线.

  • 2、

    Changeless is tall purity is oleaginous, light bright is incompact the use feeling that stretch tight.

    不变的是高纯度的油质, 轻爽不紧绷的使用感.

  • 3、

    Land is silent, dormant, crop grows along with season, incompact not slow, go round and round.

    土地是沉默 、 静止的, 作物随季节生长, 不紧不慢,周而复始.

  • 4、

    At last the designability of the protein strucure is analysed the compact model and incompact model.


  • 5、

    Incompact sodium chloride crystals that anti - caking better at high humidity level were obtained in experiments.

    实验得到了松散性好、高湿度下能较好 抗 结块的氯化钠结晶体.
