
  • 释义
  • 香( incense的名词复数 );

  • 词义辨析
  • incense, anger, enrage, madden
  • 这四个词共同的意思是“(使)愤怒”。它们之间的区别是:
    1.从“(使)愤怒”的程度上说:anger表示的是各种程度的“怒”; enrage和incense则到了发火的程度,即“大怒”; madden语气最强,即“狂怒”。
    2.从“(使)愤怒”的原因上说:anger最普通,可以是当怒的,也可以是不当怒的; incense指被过分的事物所激怒; enrage指被逗弄等所激怒; madden则主要指受到侮辱而发怒。
    3.从表现上说:anger的怒可外露,也可隐藏于心中; 其余几个词则多有明显的外部表现。例如:
    Her words angered him very much.她的话使他生气极了。
    He was incensed by her casual attitude to his mother's death.见到她对他母亲的去世那么漫不经心,他气坏了。
    The child's teasing enraged the animal.那孩子把那头动物逗得大怒。
    He maddened at the thought of how he had been betrayed.他一想起自己被出卖的情形就勃然大怒。
  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Cruelty incenses kind people.


  • 2、

    Incense and Agarbatti, Incenses , Masks , Canes , Oil Incense and Agarbatti.

    采购产品香和香脂,香,面具, 手杖, 油香和香脂.

  • 3、

    For many foreign newcomers to Beijing , though , it's the noise , not the danger, that incenses.

    不过对于很多刚到北京的外国人来说, 他们遇到的不是危险, 而是噪音.
