A bubble so large also required aggressive mortgage originators, imprudent home buyers and myopic investors.
如此大的泡沫还需要有野心勃勃的抵押贷款发放者 、 轻率的购房者和短视的投资者参与其中.
——期刊摘选The Government of Jamaica consider it imprudent to abolish the death penalty.
——柯林斯例句It would be imprudent of you to make enemies of those who can help you.
——《简明英汉词典》It was imprudent for France to indulge this trait when she was so grievously weakened.
辞典例句It would be imprudent to invest all your money in one company.
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》It was rather imprudent of the little girl to interrupt our conversation like that.
《现代汉英综合大词典》He's never imprudent or impudent , inadvertent or negligent when he deals with international affairs.
他处理国际事务时,从不轻率,鲁莽, 马马虎虎,粗心大意.
期刊摘选In my view, she was imprudent.
依我看, 她未免太轻率了.
期刊摘选The government consider it imprudent to abolish the death penalty.
辞典例句I told him that I thought it would be imprudent.
辞典例句It's imprudent of you to have done such a thing.
期刊摘选Your cousin Melchior was imprudent with his investments and got into a very queer street.
辞典例句My imprudent utterances incurred her displeasure.
辞典例句It was imprudent of you to lend money to a stranger.
辞典例句It would be imprudent to resign from your present job before you are offered another.
期刊摘选Can dispute of the processing on whole journey net bring about imprudent arbitration?
期刊摘选So what should I do about those imprudent things I said about the Senior VP?
那么对于我说的那些有关副总裁的轻率的话,我该怎么办 呢 ?
期刊摘选For a wise government, banning advertising is imprudent way of oversimplifying a complex, but multifaceted issue.
对于一个明智的政府而言, 简单地禁绝广告是把一个复杂 、 多面问题简单处理的野蛮做法.
期刊摘选He was horribly imprudent. I wish he was dumb.
他不谨慎到令人恐怖的程度. 我倒希望他是一个哑巴.
辞典例句But hold on energy supplies imprudent optimism, no good at all.
但对能源供给持不谨慎的乐观, 并无益处.
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