Fluid pressure , flux, leaky and impermeable boundary conditions may be prescribed.
可指定流体压力 、 涌出量 、 泄漏量和非渗透边界条件.
互联网The objects are covered with impermeable decorative coatings of glass like material.
互联网Thus clays and shales tend to be impermeable.
辞典例句A usually impermeable substance used for caulking.
互联网The accumulation of oilis governed by lateral changes from permeable to impermeable facies.
辞典例句Cancer is a cellular structure whose cell wall has become impermeable.
互联网Water cannot easily flow in these impermeable rocks.
互联网In the design of the impermeable curtain grouting engineering, high - pressure cement grouting with orifice - closed adopted.
某水电站二期工程为地下厂房, 工程防渗帷幕灌浆采用了孔口封闭法高压水泥灌浆.
互联网The canoe is made from an impermeable wood.
辞典例句The passage became absolutely impermeable.
辞典例句The impermeable layer has aged, we must find someone to repair it.
楼顶的防渗层已经老化, 要请人来修理了.
互联网The external layer of the skin is relatively impermeable to water.
辞典例句He surrounded himself with an impermeable wall of secretaries, personal assistants and yes - men.
他把自己用由秘书 、 私人助理和 唯唯诺诺 的人组成的密不透风的墙包围起来.
互联网The nature AMPA receptor is normally Ca ~ ( 2 + ) impermeable due to the expression of GluR 2 subunit.
由于GluR2亚单位的表达天然AMPA受体通道对 Ca2 +不通透.
互联网What is cancer? Cancer is a cellular structure whose cell wall has become impermeable.
癌症是什么? 癌症是细胞壁变得难以渗透的细胞结构.
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