He was content to stand by as an impassive spectator.
——《简明英汉词典》Her face remained impassive, studying the Belgian as he completed the form.
她不动声色, 仔细观察正在填写表格的那个比利时人.
《简明英汉词典》As Wanyne enters, he finds four impassive faces regarding him coolly.
韦恩走进来, 看见四张毫无表情的脸冷冰冰地看着他.
辞典例句He met each inquiry with an impassive countenance.
——柯林斯例句Don Corleone listened like a priest in the confessional, gazing away into the distance, impassive, remote.
堂-科利昂象个告解室里的祖父一样听着, 向远处凝视着, 没有表情, 冷漠.
——期刊摘选The defendant remained impassive as the judge sentenced him to death.
——《简明英汉词典》I looked back , my face impassive and expressionless.
我也看她, 面无表情、不露声色.
——期刊摘选As the foreman of the jury announced the verdict, Miss Allan remained impassive.
——柯林斯例句Michael's face was impassive when he said to his brother, " You straightened out , Freddie? "
迈克尔的脸上毫无表情.他对自己的哥哥说: “弗烈特, 你给教训过了, 对 吗 ?”
教父部分A smile transformed her usually impassive face.
《简明英汉词典》She went out of the room with the tray, her face impassive and unchanged.
她端着托盘离开了房间, 脸上的表情一如既往.
期刊摘选Sam's face was impassive revealing, as had been the case all morning.
萨姆没有任何表情,从他脸上什么也看不出来, 整个上午他都是这副模样.
辞典例句Michael kept his face impassive.
期刊摘选Of us all, Roger put on the most impassive front.
在我们所有人中间, 罗杰最装得若无其事.
辞典例句He remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight.
他依旧冷漠, 对我们的困难既没有表现出兴趣也没有表现出关心.
期刊摘选Javert was impassive, his grave face betrayed no emotion whatever.
沙威是铁面无情的, 他严厉的面容,绝不露一点慌张的颜色.
期刊摘选The impassive earth seemed to have swallowed her up without an effort , without a tremor.
辞典例句Snape looked back at her, quite impassive, as she turned slowly away from him again.
期刊摘选Hagen's face suddenly became smoothly impassive. Then he said, " OK, I'll keep this purely business. "
黑根立刻板起面孔, 装出一本正经的样子,然后说: “ 好, 我就单纯就事论事吧. ”
教父部分Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow.
从火红 、 到橘红 、 到金色 、 再到清冷的浅黄,其容颜都在不断更易.
期刊摘选He still wore the same impassive and preoccupied air.
期刊摘选His face remained impassive.
期刊摘选He was rigid, erect, and impassive.
他一动不动, 笔直地站着, 脸上毫无表情.
辞典例句He listened with impassive face.
期刊摘选A quick moment lapsed before Rukawa managed to recover his impassive expression.
期刊摘选He searched Hill's impassive face for some indication that he understood.
辞典例句His servant was quite impassive and waited for his orders.
辞典例句Val glanced sideways at his mother's impassive face; it had a hunted look in the eyes.
法尔斜看一下母亲神色不动的脸色, 眼睛里有一种无可奈何的神情.
辞典例句After a certain point, she became impassive, detached utterly from him.
过了某一点后, 她变得冷漠无情,对他没有一丝恋眷.
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