There was no difference between the effect of IL - 15 and ATV - NDV ( P > 0.05 ).
IL-15与ATV-NDV作用差异无显著性 ( P>0.05 ).
互联网There were significant differences between two groups in menopause duration , ALP, BGP, BMD, and IL - 6 ( P & gt; 0.05 ).
绝经年限、血总碱性磷酸酶(ALP) 、 血清骨钙素(BGP) 、 骨密度 、 血浆IL -6 浓度有显著性差异 ( P & lt; 0.05 ).
互联网Objective To study the effects of IL - 18 against Coxsackie B 3 viruses ( CVB 3 ).
目的 研究IL - 18抗柯萨奇B3病毒 ( CoxsackieB3virus, CVB3 ) 的作用.
互联网Results: IL - 29 was cloned and stably expressed in cos - 7 cells successfully.
结果: 成功获得人IL-29全长cDNA并在cos -7 细胞中稳定表达.
互联网She was very quiet and very comme il faut.
辞典例句IL - 1 , IL - 6 , and TNF - ain cachexia patients with different syndromes were examined.
同时,对现在住院的患者选择不同辨证分型的恶病质病人检测IL -1 、 IL -6, TNF - α.
互联网In the mud -- En ange e il mondo ! [ sic ] ( 6 )
污泥里 —— Efangoeilmondo! ( 六 )
汉英文学 - 围城Serum IL 6 and sIL 6 R were measured by Elisa assay inall subjects.
互联网Results Human IL - 24 cDNA was successfully integrated into Hep - 2 cells and overexpressed.
结果IL-24基因成功地转导入Hep -2 细胞中并能高效表达.
互联网In the end his mother said,'Now be good, and I'Il buy you a toy.
最后,他的母亲说. “ 乖乖地别闹, 我给你去买个玩具.
英汉文学Conclusion IL - 2 can enhance human neutrophil phagocytosis and the non - specific immunity.
结论IL -2 能提高人中性粒细胞吞噬功能,具有增强人非特异性免疫功能的作用.
互联网The abnormal metabolism of lipid affects the serum concentrations of IL - 10.
血脂代谢的异常可引起IL - 10水平变化.
互联网PNPS lib can promoted the interleukin 2 ( IL - 2 ) secretion of spleen.
此外, PNPSb 体外能显著提高小鼠脾淋巴细胞分泌IL -2 的水平.
互联网The transfected cells expressed IL - 18 fusion gene and 18 kD IL - 18 protein.
IL -18 转染细胞表达IL -18 融合基因及18kD蛋白.
互联网Their new IL - 76 transport closely resembles the Lockheed C - 141 .
他们新的伊尔76型运输机酷似洛克希德的C -141 型.
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