
  • 释义
  • 皮下注射,皮下注射器;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Skin of ministry of right hand wrist is annular cut achieve, reach greatly hypodermic.

    右手腕部皮肤环形切创, 深及皮下.

  • 2、

    He held up a hypodermic to check the dosage.


  • 3、

    " Magic bullet theory ", or called " Bullet theory " or " Hypodermic needle theory "

    “ 魔弹论 ”, 或称 “ 枪弹论 ”,或称 “ 皮下注射论 ”

  • 4、

    Disposable sterile syringe, infusion sets , hypodermic needle , scalp vein sets.

    一次性消毒注射器, 输液器, 头皮针.

  • 5、

    Do lipoma and hypodermic cyst have why to distinguish?


  • 6、

    Minutes later, as child and vet reassured the stricken beast , the hypodermic found its mark.

    几分钟过后, 孩子和医生终于将这个被吓坏了的动物安抚下来.

  • 7、

    A hypodermic injection, syringe , or needle.


  • 8、

    An article, such as a paper diaper or hypodermic syringe, that can be disposed of after one use.

    从尿布到尊严 、 又从尊严到解体,只不过是短短的一段岁月而已.

  • 9、

    The skin has similar haemorrhage like hypodermic stain, be leukaemia certainly?

    皮肤有类似出血似的皮下斑点, 就一定是白血病 吗 ?

  • 10、

    Conclusions Hypodermic injection in the medial axilla brought about a striking effect and little pain.


  • 11、

    After injecting astragalus in the points, prepared model by hypodermic injection of scopolamine.

    穴位注射黄芪注射液后, 皮下注射东莨菪碱造模.

  • 12、

    There is a risk of transmission of the virus between hypodermic users.


  • 13、

    Minutes later, as and vet reassured the stricken beast the hypodermic found its mark.

    几分钟之后, 贝基和兽医一边哄慰着那受伤动物,一边就给它注射了一针.

  • 14、

    Does hypodermic and local blood capillary jam have treat?

    皮下局部毛细血管堵塞有治 吗 ?

  • 15、

    This is a medical supplies company that produces disposable hypodermic syringes.


  • 16、

    We always have to carry a hypodermic of adrenaline wherever we go.


  • 17、

    Is the move factor that inject uses intramuscular injection or hypodermic?


  • 18、

    Minister of old Mom head should hypodermic lipoma become an operation? Is there risk?

    老妈脑部长了个皮下脂肪瘤该不该做手术 呢 ?有危险 吗 ?

  • 19、

    At the other side of him stood a man a white coat, holding a hypodermic syringe.

    另外一边站着一个穿白大褂的人, 手中拿着打针的注射器.

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