Main ingredients: lavender, Vitamin B 5, hydrolyze wheat albumen and ceratine protein.
主要成份: 薰衣草 、 维他命B5 、 水解小麦蛋白、角朊蛋白.
——期刊摘选Commercial cellulase, hemicellulase and pectinase were applied to hydrolyze sugar cane bagasse.
应用纤维素酶 、 半纤维素酶和果胶酶水解蔗渣.
互联网The experiments show that acid, acid and phosphoric acid can hydrolyze chrome shavings.
实验表明:硫酸 、 甲酸、磷酸均可水解铬鞣革屑.
——期刊摘选Viscidity of hydrolyze amylodextrin was lower than it was original corn starch.
互联网Extracellular enzymes secreted by DY 3 strain at 8 can hydrolyze Carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC ).
DY3在8℃环境中分泌的胞外酶能水解羧甲基纤维素 ( Carboxymethylcellulose, CMC ).
互联网Microbial xylanases occur in various microorganisms and can hydrolyze xylans into xy - looligosaccharides and D - xylose.
微生物产生的木聚糖酶来源广泛,能将木聚糖水解为木寡糖和D - 木糖.
互联网The enzyme has no effection on raffinose, but could hydrolyze inulin and partially hydrolyzed sucrose.
酶底物研究表明,酶水解菊粉, 但不水解棉子糖,水解蔗糖活性较低.
互联网In order to hydrolyze the shrimp mince, different kinds of proteases have been compared respectively.
互联网Natural vegetable food contain interior phytase, which hydrolyze phytate to liberate inorganic phosphorus.
天然植物食品中含有内源性植酸酶, 一定条件下可以催化其中的植酸水解.
互联网Methods: Second - hydrogenation, distillation under high vacuum, recrystallization, hydrolyze - tion under acid condition, and oxidation.
方法: 再次氢化、酯化物高真空蒸馏 、 成盐后重结晶 、 酸性条件下水解 、 氧气破坏性氧化.
互联网One, the grade that is sure first rural water hydrolyze strands key county adequately and experience.
下面,我讲两点意见.一 、 充分肯定首批农村饮水解困重点县的成绩和经验.
互联网Objective : To select the microorganism which can hydrolyze dioscin to diosgenin.
目的: 筛选可水解薯蓣皂苷的微生物.
互联网Phospholipases D ( PLD ) is a multifunctional enzyme that can hydrolyze phospholipids.
磷脂酶D ( PLD ) 是一种分解磷脂的多功能酶.
互联网PME, which is belong to saponifcational enzyme, can randomly hydrolyze the methyl ester bond of pectin.
果胶酯酶(PME)或称果胶甲基酯酶, 它是果胶酶系的一种, 能从果胶中脱去甲氧基,生成果胶酸,属于皂化酶.
互联网Individual proteases are highly specific in the type of peptide bond they hydrolyze.
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