丢脸( humiliation的名词复数 );羞辱;耻辱;蒙羞;
They suffered many humiliations in those dark days.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》There he suffered many humiliations.
《现代汉英综合大词典》But, it is the same history book that engraved lots of her humiliations, agonies and melancholy.
然而, 就在同一部史书上,也铭刻了她许多的屈辱 、 痛苦和惆怅.
互联网Under the old regime, they suffered many humiliations.
在旧社全, 他们受过许多屈辱.
互联网China's modern humiliations began with the early nineteenth century, with the Opium Wars.
互联网Old humiliations and terrors rose up within him.
互联网Poverty entails fear and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.
贫困伴随着焦虑、压力, 有时甚至是沮丧, 那就意味着无数细小的羞辱和苦难.
互联网Since the crisis hit, Switzerland has faced a baroque array of humiliations.
自金融危机爆发以来, 瑞士就遭受着巴洛克式的屈辱.
互联网We are proud of the glory the past and sigh the humiliations of the past.
互联网We were saddened by China's past humiliations, and rejoice now in her improving fortune.
我们曾经为中国过往蒙受的屈辱而难过, 现在则为中国走上富强的道路而欢欣振奋.
互联网He suffered many humiliations before he became a football star.
辞典例句She remembered only too well the suffrings and humiliations of poverty.
辞典例句We were saddened by China's past humiliations, and proud now in her improving fortune.
我们曾经为中国过往蒙受的幵辱而难过, 现在则为中国有美好明天而感到自豪.
互联网Growing up, I had endured a myriad of humiliations, but this one was different.
在成长的过程中我经历了无数次羞辱, 但这次却是不同的经历.
互联网There the old man suffered many humiliations.
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