Hypertext Markup Language 超文本链接标示语言;
Main output is file index. html in entered directory.
主要输出文件为index. html在进入目录.
互联网Click here to see output produced by the HTML Report Service.
互联网On the whole, XHTML allows for more flexibility than HTML.
总的来说, XHTML相对于HTML来说,机动性更强.
互联网CSS replaces many parts of HTML and is more customizable.
互联网With XML, your data is stored outside your HTML.
通过使用XML, 数据将被存储在HTML之外.
互联网Use HTML to customise the look and feel of your listings.
互联网HTML forced the browser to display data a certain way.
互联网This tool will help you to determine HTML page size.
互联网Note: Do not expect XML files to be formatted like HTML documents!
注意: 请别指望XML文件能像有html文档那样的格式.
互联网This example demonstrates how you can format text in an HTML document.
互联网During this time, HTML has been extended in a number of ways.
在这一时期, HTML通过各种方式扩大其影响范围.
互联网Once you're approved, we'll automatically generate the HTML code you need.
一旦您批准, 我们将通过自动生成的HTML代码,你需要的人.
互联网Export in HTML, CSV ( comma separated ) and Text Document format.
出口在HTML, CSV ( 逗号分隔 ) 和文本文件格式.
互联网Return the html email link to the author of the current comment.
互联网Differs from HTML forms by separating data definition and data display.
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