Wherever you are, Cyrus, I have my dragons. The sands in your hourglass fall quickly indeed.
逃到哪里都没用, 塞勒斯, 我已经得到了骨龙. 沙漏中的沙粒正在迅速下落,你的时日不多了.
互联网Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.
爱情就象一个砂漏, 当脑子倒空的时候心就被填满了.
——期刊摘选A gyroscope with an hourglass in the center, but I don't remember it too clearly.
在中间有一个沙漏的陀螺仪, 但是我记得不是很清楚了.
——期刊摘选So, after glass blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use.
所以玻璃吹制技术发明以后, 沙漏开始使用.
期刊摘选Worm pairs of planar envelope hourglass have many advanced meshing properties and potential applications.
期刊摘选Strong core muscles are important for good posture, a healthy back and the feminine hourglass shape.
期刊摘选Hourglass remember, we forget the time.
沙漏记得, 莪们遗忘旳时光.
期刊摘选Jesus tells us, the sand in the top hourglass is all that counts.
耶稣教导我们说, 惟有沙漏上端之沙才有价值.
期刊摘选Suitable for: ● hourglass or the full type of bride.
适合于: ●沙漏或新娘的全类型.
期刊摘选On one side of the scales is an hourglass, which symbolizes the time factor.
在天平的一边是沙漏, 它象征着时间因素,在另一边是价格的运动.
期刊摘选The hourglass empties swiftly and delay could be deadly.
期刊摘选White hourglass you gave, is a gift about the growth.
送给你的白色沙漏, 是一个关于成长的礼物.
期刊摘选Hourglass love, unnoticed, is never extinguished the lights.
沙漏的爱, 点点滴滴, 是永不熄灭的灯火.
期刊摘选Happiness is like an hourglass harder you try to grip the faster it is lost.
期刊摘选Use to add an hourglass for measuring time.
期刊摘选The hourglass is almost empty!
英语连读(第一部分)One device is the hourglass.
期刊摘选As soon as the hands hit, they started outward for the upper part of the hourglass.
手一旦入水, 就立刻开始向外划动,开始沙漏动作周期的前半部分.
期刊摘选Love is like an hourglass, with the list ent filling up as the brain empties.
感情就象唯一砂漏, 当脑子倒空的时间心就被填满了.
期刊摘选Once the sands have run out of a person's hourglass, they can not be replaced.
一个人沙漏计时器中的沙子一旦流走了, 那是无法弥补的.
期刊摘选Once the sands have run out of a person's hourglass, they con not be replaced.
一个人的沙漏计时器中的沙子一旦流走了, 那是无法弥补的.
期刊摘选Now research suggests that women with an hourglass figure are brighter and have cleverer children, too.
期刊摘选Hourglass? Female , because over time, the weight can shift to the bottom.
滴漏 -女人, 因为随着时间推移, 它的重量向底部转移.
期刊摘选An hourglass was an instrument used to measure time in ancient times.
期刊摘选He found that centrefolds vary in weight but not in their hourglass shapes.
期刊摘选After glass blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use.
吹制玻璃术发明后, 滴漏计时器便开始使用.
期刊摘选But at present, the business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers structural change to hourglass.
但是目前, 制卡和会员卡制作业的结构正在向沙漏型转变.
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