Farming can be very much a hit-and-miss affair.
柯林斯例句Watch the red - billed tropicbird play hit and miss finding its tiny home along the cliff.
互联网He a bit hit and miss, but at least he's a specialised centre back.
他范的错有点多, 但至少他是专门踢中卫这个位置的.
互联网Like so many youngsters of the time his early education was hit and miss.
互联网The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit - and - miss affair.
火车时常晚到, 所以上班要准时完全要听天由命.
互联网Hit and - run Bible reading can often become hit and miss.
互联网As you might expect, produce is also the most hit - and - miss category, quality - wise.
就像你预想的那样, 农产品同样也是最容易胡乱摆放的类别.
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