High priced gasoline can help drive up the prices of products.
互联网Love is placed in high - priced luxury goods within the window.
互联网High - priced weapons, often burdened with cost overruns and technical problems, will receive serious scrutiny.
天价武器, 往往有着费用超支和技术问题, 应得到认真的审查.
互联网In 1887 , Opel embarked on volume production of another exclusive, high - priced machine : the bicycle.
辏?繁ι孀 懔 硪恢侄酪晃薅?摹?汗蟮幕?胆D―自行车的生产领域.
互联网Stockholders and fabricators are trying to reduce stocks of stainless steel that contain high - priced nickel.
互联网In addition the company also acquired high - priced long - term whole plant mold machine room of second - hand equipment.
另外公司还长期高价收购整厂工模房的 二手 机床设备.
互联网He said would - be buyers have been constipated'with high - priced stocks purchased last year.
互联网The company HDPE renewable rubber, high - priced long - term purchase all kinds of HDPE film, trim, electronic film.
本公司提供HDPE再生胶粒, 长期 高价求购各种HDPE膜 、 边角料 、 电子膜.
互联网Specialty goods shops selling high - priced, often brand - name, items tend to generate their own traffic.
专卖店出售高价位且通常为名牌的商品, 它往往会形成自己的购物群.
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