等级制度( hierarchy的名词复数 );统治集团;领导层;层次体系;
Deconstruction bases its metaphysics on the dismantling of conventional binary oppositions, or of hierarchies and systems.
互联网Fiefdoms to fall and hierarchies need to give way to hyperlinks.
互联网They tend to look out for one another, and they maintain hierarchies.
他们趋向于相互搜寻, 同时保持等级.
互联网You're looking at three or four hierarchies of modeling accuracy.
互联网Their chief failing was that with such a limited command vector, the hierarchies became quite deep.
它们最失败的地方是尽管命令数量有限, 但也必须深入到各级菜单.
About Face 3交互设计精髓For this reason, many programmers present hierarchies ( the implementation model ) in user interfaces.
基于这个原因, 很多程序员喜欢在界面中展现层次关系 ( 实现模型 ).
About Face 3交互设计精髓They began to create their own hierarchy, which in turn created other hierarchies.
他们开始创造他们的层级, 依次创造了其它层次.
互联网Can't add automatically created date hierarchies here.
互联网Big companies are not markets, they're hierarchies Hamel wrote.
大公司不是市场, 它们等级森严.
互联网That's a trip of two hierarchies.
《简明英汉词典》Expose interfaces on class hierarchies.
互联网Avoid deep inheritance hierarchies.
互联网This cuts the need for hierarchies filtering and controlling knowledge.
互联网They are more comfortable with hierarchies, title silos and processes.
他们更能适应层级 、 头衔差别和升迁过程.
互联网Behind theand violence the fears and vulnerability of the hierarchies.
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