As a critical discourse, hermeneutics has involved a linguistic paradigm.
期刊摘选Hermeneutic circle is a central thesis of hermeneutics.
期刊摘选Hermeneutics is not only philosophy also practical philosophy.
期刊摘选This paper aims at expounding Heidegger " ontological hermeneutics presented in Being and Time. "
本文论述的是海德格尔表现于《存在与时间 》 中的本体论的解释学循环思想.
期刊摘选John Frame : Increasingly difficult to determine whether a scholar's hermeneutics is orthodox.
今天尤其在解经( 经学 )面,如何判断一位神学家是否正统,越来越困难.
期刊摘选Hermeneutics of science is opposed to objectivism of science, which does not necessarily relativism.
科学的评释学与客观主义形成对立, 而这并不一定使科学滑入相对主义.
期刊摘选Hermeneutics of science is opposed to objectivism of science, which does not necessarily slide into relativism.
科学的解释学与客观主义形成对立, 而这并不必然使科学滑入相对主义.
期刊摘选There are plenty of ideology of hermeneutics in 77 k Mencius.
期刊摘选The recent academic interest in Hermeneutics has protruded the relationship between Marxism and Hermeneutics.
期刊摘选The analysis of artistic experience from the perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics is indicative of some methodology.
期刊摘选As we all know, the development of hermeneutics enlarges the scopes of literary translation study.
众所周知, 阐释学的兴起与发展拓宽了文学翻译研究的范畴.
期刊摘选Hermeneutics has its given philosophical signification as it belongs in the realm of Western philosophy.
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