Cons: As with all other bundled headphone, I strongly suggest you get an aftermarket one.
缺点: 象其它标配的耳机一样(质量一般), 我强烈建议你重配其它更好的耳机.
互联网What is Dolby Headphone Technology?
互联网Can select headphone output mode to avoid disturbing.
——期刊摘选We are Chinese professional manufacturer for many kinds of headset, earphone, headphone.
我们专业生产各种耳机,耳塞, 麦克风, 喇叭,如有需要请联系.
——期刊摘选Can you help me with this earphone ( headset headphone )? I can't hear anything.
你能帮我看看这个耳机 吗 ?我什么也听不见.
——期刊摘选The headphone cord functions as the FM antenna.
互联网Each headphone driver is made to Grado's high standards, then pair - matched for exact imaging.
每个耳机驱动器是为歌德的高标准, 然后配对的准确成像.
互联网Now the S 66 E the original stereo headphone socket to socket, circuIt'schematics unchanged, infantry line adjustments.
现在的S66E将原来的插座改为立体声耳机插座, 电路原理图未变, 步线有所调整.
互联网Don't know headphone is the best one for using ipod.
互联网A phones volume, which changes the volume send to your headphone.
#可电话数量, 改变了音量发送到您的耳机.
互联网Sound headphone also requires a quality amplifier just like a top - grade loudspeaker.
互联网Because of the unique form's guidance, no more messing up with headphone cable.
在独特外型的引导下, 耳机线再也不会乱成一团.
互联网Slight increase in speaker and headphone volume.
互联网Length of the headphone cable are free to control.
互联网Removal of the headphone jack is easy.
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