头部向下的一跳或跌落( header的名词复数 );足球用头顶球;头球;(计算机打印时自动加在各页顶端的)标头;
Aerial Battles , battle with your opponent and win those all important headers.
——期刊摘选What do the abbreviations in the column headers mean?
互联网You can not customize headers from two places at the same time.
——期刊摘选Downloads the specified number of headers from the server.
互联网Page Mode shows headers, footers, footnotes and page numbers.
柯林斯例句Changes paper, headers and footers, orientation, and margins for this page.
更改该页的纸张 、 页眉、页角 、 方向以及页边距.
互联网Adjusts the width of the row headers to fit the header contents.
互联网Note that the standard requires an empty line after the headers too.
互联网Remote Mail message headers must remain in the Inbox.
互联网Ring Main and cross - headers are to be run level.
环形主管道及十 字形 集管应水平敷设.
互联网Headers should have guards, even if they aren't included by another header.
头文件应该含有保护符, 即使这些头文件不会被其他头文件包含.
互联网Operator Sites are permitted to ignore most extension headers received.
操作入口站点(OperatorSite )可以忽略任何收到的SOAPHeader元素.
互联网The Saving Throw and Power Resistance headers are omitted from such powers.
互联网The acceleration and the ball awareness has introduced more headers than before.
互联网No headers detected. Assume top row of selection is header row?
找不到列标题.要将选定区域顶行设为列标题 吗 ?
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