这组词都有“危险”的意思。danger是普通用语,含义很广,泛指任何可能发生的伤害或不良后果,适用于一切危险,如受害的遭遇、受害、受伤或丧命的可能性等; risk也属常用词,与danger相比,一般指难以预料的危险,常作“风险”解; hazard是正式用语,也指难以预料又无法控制的危险,但远不如danger和risk使用广泛; peril也属正式用语,常指严重而紧急的危险,多见于文学作品中。例如: High flood waters put the town in danger.汹涌的河水使这个城市岌岌可危。 In war a soldier's life is full of danger.在战争中,士兵的生命是充满危险的。 He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.他冒着生命的危险拯救了我。 You have to take a lot of risks in my job.你不得不为我的工作担许多风险。 I will try it at all hazards.我要不顾一切地试试。 There would have been no triumph in success, had there been no hazard of failure.要是没有失败的危险就不会有凯旋的欢乐。 The city is in peril!该城危在旦夕! The ship was in imminent peril of being wrecked.那只船有立即撞沉的危险。