Most brides buy expensive, thousand - dollar dresses to wear only once as a keepsake or possible hand - me - down.
多数新娘会购买高价婚纱, 数千美元的婚纱只穿一次就变成了压箱底儿的纪念品或旧衣服.
互联网Hand - me - down is an expression.
互联网His article is full of hand - me - down concepts.
互联网The younger children wore the hand - me - down of the older ones.
互联网Eclectic style often highlights hand - me - down items, second - hand store finds, and other recyclables.
折衷派的风格常使得半新不旧的东西 —— 二手店里的货物或是其它可重复利用的物品光亮照人.
互联网My MP 3 player is a hand - me - down from my sister, but it's quite new.
我的MP3播放器是我姐姐不要给我的, 但是还满新的.
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