You got the Fire Extinguisher! It uses halon canisters to put out fires.
你得到了灭火器! 它通过消耗哈龙(一种化合物)瓶扑灭大火.
互联网The possibility of halon's substitute is determined, moreover, the prospect of engineering application is showcased.
本文还确定了该系统替代卤代烷系统的可能性, 展示了该系统远大的工程应用前景.
互联网Analysis is conducted on fire suppression mechanisms, advantages, disadvantages, applying areas of Halon substitutes.
介绍了哈龙替代产品的灭火机理 、 优点 、 缺点以及适用场所.
互联网Halon fire extinguishing system severely damaged atmospheric layer will be a total ban on the use.
互联网Water mist fire suppression technology is a promising substitute for the halon fire agents.
互联网Fire protection. Fire extinguishing media. Halogenated hydrocarbons. Part 1: specification for halon 1211 and halon 1301.
防火. 灭火介质. 卤代烃. 第1部分: 聚四氟乙烯1211和聚四氟乙烯1301规范.
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