Bottled Water , Refridgerator, Brush Sets , Hairdryer, Towels, Shower Gel, Shampoo are included in all rooms.
全部房型包括矿泉水,冰箱,牙刷牙膏,吹风机, 大浴巾, 沐浴乳, 洗发精.
互联网The hairdresser habitually hang the hairdryer on the hanger.
期刊摘选Take the 49 example of a hairdryer.
期刊摘选Sure. Oh, it's a hairdryer, Mum.
当然可以. 噢, 它是一个吹风机, 妈妈.
期刊摘选On a hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping.
一只吹风机上写道: 不要在睡觉时使用.
期刊摘选Dry your hair gently a towel before using the hairdryer.
期刊摘选The ball suspended above the hairdryer.
期刊摘选The hairdryer is not working.
期刊摘选I don't use a hairdryer.
期刊摘选Meanwhile, Manchester City boss Mark Hughes insists he will not be blown away by Alex's hairdryer.
与此同时, 曼城经理马克休斯坚称他不会被弗格森的 “ 吹风机政策”给吓走.
期刊摘选I'll have to change the plug on my hairdryer.
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》And recently I got my hair caught in the hairdryer and some of it got burned.
期刊摘选Never a cat and a hairdryer at the same time.
期刊摘选Small wardrobe and not much space for a big suitcase. TV and DVD player, hairdryer.
衣橱很小,没有太多的空间放大箱子, 电视机,DVD播放机, 吹风机.
期刊摘选Do you use a hairdryer?
你使用电吹风 吗 ?
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