TCM permeation is increasingly emphasized in clinical gynecology, its application is broadening.
妇科临床上对通管法日益重视, 应用范围亦逐渐扩大.
互联网This paper deals with the significance of the chronoclock in gynecology.
互联网Objective: To determine the clinical value of laparoscopic surgery in gynecology.
互联网Moshe Hod, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Tel Aviv University.
研究者之一 、 特拉维夫大学的妇产科教授MosheHod说.
互联网Objective Discusses the peritoneoscope in the gynecology department surgery aspect clinical practice value.
互联网Objective : To explore the reasonable application of prophylactic antibiotics in gynecology tumor operation.
目的: 探讨妇科肿瘤围手术期抗生素的合理应用.
互联网And non - operate treated galactophore disease, hysteromyoma, ovarian cyst, ect . gynecology difficulty mixed diseases.
对乳腺疾病 、 子宫肌瘤 、 卵巢囊肿等妇科疑难杂症 非 手术治疗效果显著.
互联网Then I suggest you go to gynecology for further examination.
互联网Psychological factors are close related to the diseases department of obstetrics & gynecology .
心理因素与 妇产科 疾病关系十分密切.
互联网These are three stories happened in a general obstetrics and gynecology clinic.
互联网Gynecology: Menopause barriers, menstrual cramps, menstrual flow, and milk secretion insufficiency, high prolactin hyperlipidemia.
妇科: 更年期障碍 、 经痛 、 月经不顺 、 乳汁分泌不全 、 高催乳激素血症.
互联网Objective To reduce the incidence of urinary system injury from gynecology operations.
互联网Methods: 146 patients with gynecology tumor were investigated with QLQ - C 30.
方法: 采用QLQ-C30调查表调查妇科肿瘤患者146例.
互联网Experts from the medical point of Obstetrics and Gynecology considered unnecessary.
互联网Clinical application of policresulen ( Albothyl ) in gynecology is introduced in this review.
本文目的介绍聚甲酚磺醛 ( 爱宝疗 ) 在妇科临床上的应用情况.
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