Wow, that vice president guy can sure dish out the guff!
哇, 那位副总统肯定又滔滔不绝地讲一大堆废话.
互联网Did you go to mechanic schooI to Iearn all this airpIane guff?
你是在机械学校学到关于飞机的那些玩艺的 吗 ?
电影对白It's not just the unemployed who like to cover their cards in guff.
期刊摘选Don't listen to their guff about wanting to see you again.
期刊摘选My hostage to fortune for 2004 is that this sort of guff has and will recede.
期刊摘选Guff will always fill the space available , though some types are worse than others.
只要有空子,就会有废话钻进来, 只是有些废话比其它的废话更为糟糕.
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