Guam 关岛;
Two appendixes are affixed : Wuxi Gu's pedigree and chronological table. "
正文后还有两个附录: 无锡泾皋顾氏世系表和 顾贞 观年表.
互联网Mr Gu é henno is cautious about what he can achieve in Darfur.
互联网Gu means darkness, and ru is remover. So guru is actually one who removes our darkness.
Gu指的是“黑暗”, ru指的是“驱除者”. 所以guru的意思就是“黑暗驱除者”.
互联网Hill ancient trees surrounded Qunfeng, round spring, Gu Ming Qingcheng Mountain.
山内古木参天,群峰环抱, 四季如春, 故名青城山.
互联网This evening, a fire broke out in a shoe factory in Dobong - gu.
今天下午, 在东古一家鞋厂起火.
电影对白Gu Cheng water on Gui, a county under the jurisdiction Tianshui.
清水古称上邽, 又属天水郡管辖.
互联网Did you go with Gu Ming and Hu Shan?
你是和顾明和胡山一起去的 吗 ?
互联网This is Gu Dongwei. I'm with A Box Company.
我叫顾东为. 是A盒子公司的.
辞典例句Let's go to the Gu Lou Cinema.
我们去鼓楼电影院 吧.
无师自通 校园英语会话Director Gu was never one to let things go.
汉英文学 - 中国现代小说GU - PC Confucius Institute is not the first, but It'should and can be the best.
GU与PC的孔子学院不是最早的, 但它应该而且可以成为最好的.
互联网Actually that whether true of form list shadow Gu?
互联网Certainly, at the Gu Lou Cinema.
当然, 在鼓楼电影院.
无师自通 校园英语会话You know Young - gu from the Judo club?
电影对白Gai Gu with sowing right now, from above to below also.
盖谷以此时播种, 自上而下也.
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