Seafood With Frozen, That Are Including Cuttlefish, Squid, Clam Meat, Shrimp, Frozen Fresh Water Grouper Seafood.
采购产品海鲜与冻结, 即是包括乌贼, 鱿鱼, 文蛤肉, 虾, 冷冻淡水石斑鱼海鲜.
——期刊摘选The mee soup's broth is made by fried grouper, and then adds small fish and seasonings.
清汤海鲜面的汤底由炸过的石斑鱼骨头, 再放入江鱼仔及调味料熬制而成,鲜甜不油腻的口味适合清淡一族.
互联网The salt - water fish we usually eat are Grouper, Golden thread and Pomfret.
互联网For dry, grouper, mature and inflammation of the skin, an antibacterial, sedation.
针对干性 、 有斑 、 成熟和发炎皮肤, 具抗菌 、 镇静作用.
互联网Cage Culture to the world that the main species are grouper , Channa, such as white.
网箱养鱼称着于世,主要有品种有石斑 、 鳢白等.
互联网Any of various similar or related fishes, such as the pike perch or the grouper.
河鲈属的''.'鱼'.''任何一种有关或类似的鱼类, 例如狗鱼或''.'双'.''''.'棘'. ''石斑鱼.
互联网Grouper on the rocks for the fish.
互联网Cultured grouper is a highly technical commercial production.
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