The Gregorian calendar year before April 5 for tomb - sweeping day, 24 solar is one.
每年的公历四月五日前后为清明节, 是二十四节气之一.
互联网This bypassed the problem of year names in the Gregorian system.
互联网It gives us a method to know the conversion between Chinese era and the Gregorian calendar.
——期刊摘选The multi - platinum debut ENIGMA 1 took its form from Gregorian chants, flutes, and deeply sensual grooves.
获得多白金销量的《谜1》融合了格列高利圣咏 、 长笛和深沉、性感的格调.
互联网Taxable year: Gregorian Calendar year in which the income is derived.
纳税年度: 填写取得所得的公历年度.
——期刊摘选Month: Means a Gregorian calendar month.
月: 指公历中的月份.
——期刊摘选Explanation: Welcome to the extra day in the Gregorian Calendar's leap year 2008!
说明: 2008年是闰年,欢迎进入新历的额外一天.
互联网The Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the forces of nature.
互联网The eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
互联网Year early in January 1987, No.2 is the number Gregorian calendar? Constellation? Love?
农历1987年1月初2是阳历多少号? 星座? 爱情?
互联网All dates should be completed according to Gregorian Calendar.
互联网When Sweden moved to the Gregorian calendar, December 13 stuck.
虽然瑞典人开始采用公历, 但是12月13日却被保留了下来.
互联网September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar.
互联网It falls on July 15 of the lunar calendar, or mid - August of the Gregorian calendar.
这个节日在每年农历的7月15号, 阳历差不多是八月中左右.
互联网To avoid this error, set the appointment option to Gregorian instead of Lunar.
若要避免此错误, 请将约会选项设置为公历而非农历.
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